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Why mediation, why me…?

I became a mediator for several reasons, the first stemming from deep personal experience following the break-down of my marriage and all the consequences such a devastating trauma brings.

My story

Prior to entering the professional world of mediation, my original passion and first profession was in the creative industries as a designer and photographer – with little or no knowledge of dispute resolution, family law or conflict management. But as the saying goes, “life is the best teacher”. During my divorce, I needed to understand what rights I have under UK Law and the Islamic Law and how to pursue these rights. Hence, I took up the challenge of studying both branches of legal practice, the secular and Islamic. At the time, I was and remain, a proud father, and as such having access to my son was of paramount importance to me, a process that was made hugely unnecessarily difficult as a consequence of protracted and entangled legal disputes. Nevertheless, I successfully managed the litigious processes and have ever since enjoyed a very amicable and sociable post-separation life with my family, son and ex-wife.

It was upon encountering such experiences that spurred me on to start volunteering within the British Muslim community to help with family issues, litigation, court process, informal mediation and on many occasions have found myself acting as a ‘McKenzie Friend’ (a non-legal, facilitator and associate) in a number of cases over a number of years.

Your stories…

Fast forward some five years, I have encountered many families on low income or challenging circumstances with little or none of the necessary skills or access to the justice system. Other cases pursued claims through the court system and the traditional civil litigation process, which, in my experience, did not necessarily end advantageous to either party and with the arduous exposure of a trial leaving many bereft of funds and demoralised due to the process. In many cases, the financial implications of pursuing such a process resulted in disproportionate sums being devolved in legal fees, sometimes over and above what the parties originally claimed for from each other.

I now have been practising family mediation successfully for a number of years; aligned with my natural problem solving skills, I decided to train as a mediator and the rest as the saying goes, is history! One of the key aspects I really enjoy about being a mediator is the satisfaction from leading parties to an amicable solution, to the parties this dispute whatever it involves has been a burden, an unnecessary stress which has plagued them for months, even years, proves a mental drain and a drain on finances and grossly unwanted pressure on their personal life and relationships.

I hope to be able to serve you, for the betterment of our society through helping to secure amicable agreements and resolutions for everyone involved in what has sadly become an all too often repeated occurrence. Mediation is a strategy and a solution, and a proven one, if I can assist in helping to achieve an amicable, agreeable solution for all please contact me….

Tawhid ar-Rahman, Mediator
BA (Hons), MA

‘Every child deserves the love and affection of both parents’

Bint Habib
Bint Habib
Tawhid has taken his time to explain in detail the mediation process and what it entails. He has been patient and reassuring and was able to explain the benefits of mediation clearly. He is an excellent communicator and I would recommend his services for anyone else who is going through disputes related to divorce. After such a whirlwind divorce it has been a blessing to have access to his vast amount of knowledge, which has stopped me from panicking about what may happen next. Do not hesitate to contact him. You will not regret it.
Rana Begum
Rana Begum
I was anxious about the medication process and wanted a professional but Islamic minded person that won’t be bias against females. I came across Salam Mediation on Google. I started reading the reviews and thought it maybe exaggerated as everyone described Mr Rahman as “goes above and beyond” in almost every review. At this point the pasted two mediators I contacted proved to be unreliable and unprofessional. 10 minutes into the phone call I knew what the reviews meant. Mr Rahman gave me more time than I expected from the start. I was presently surprised. I got to talk about my issues with full confidence as he has a way of making people open up. He is extremely patient and really does go above and beyond to help people weather with their transition to a new chapter or resolve and work on the problem. He is determined to help resolve issues peacefully keeping everyone’s wellbeing in mind specially if kids are involved. I would highly recommend Mr Rahman over anyone out there. Truly inspirational and exceptional service. Thank you
Romana Husain
Romana Husain
Great service with Salaam Mediation. Excellent communication and a man with a wealth of valuable knowledge. Much appreciated and would recommend.
Lee Welsby
Lee Welsby
We found mediation very helpful Tawhid was professional and kept our discussions focused on what we needed to resolve. We were very impressed and found the whole process far less stressful than it could have been. In my view Tawhid went above and beyond expectations in order to help us reach a conclusion Thank you
Jazzmeen Mae Quizon
Jazzmeen Mae Quizon
Tawhid was great with support. He goes put of his way to accommodate our times so we can have the sessions. Very helpful, and patient.
Aliakbar Aghdam
Aliakbar Aghdam
I find Slam Mediation Services highly professional and efficient and it exceeded my expectations. I would highly recommend Salam mediation services. Mr Tawhid is very understanding, knowledgeable and honest. His approach is amiable, professional and competent. Good listener.
Salam Mediation run by Tawhid is an amazing service. Tawhid really cares about people and seeing the best outcomes for everyone involved. I had an issue that fell outside the scope of family law but it was a family issue. He didn’t hesitate to pick it up and he went above and beyond to try to resolve the issue across a number of sessions. I had a mediation prior to that which was unsuccessful with someone who was reportedly more experienced but I had far higher success in this one, in part due to his ability to manage the various legal, cultural and religious aspects involved. I would highly recommend you give him a try, if the other side you’re mediating with has the right mindset to try and resolve issues then you will no doubt have great success with Tawhid to resolve your issues and move forward.
Loyan Sharif
Loyan Sharif
Very helpful
Martin Cleverley
Martin Cleverley
Such a calming and helpful experience. Tawhid really understood the issues and went out of his was to help, going above and beyond what I was expecting. Tawhid is a real font of knowledge, his dedication, and patient nature is exactly what is required when dealing with such a sensitive subject. I could not ask for more, highly recommended.
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I'm Tawhid, a family mediator.
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